Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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About us

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About us

We are the creators of Reflectus – an online tool for reflective practice. We were founded in 2019 and since then we have started the development of Reflectus by interacting with Lithuanian school teachers, analysing their needs, testing initial versions of the system and evaluating their effectiveness. We are pleased with the result: in September 2020, we officially launched Reflectus.


Our story

The original idea for Reflectus came from teacher-practitioners who have constantly reflected with their students and faced with the problem that the daily systematisation, processing and analysis of the reflection data was very time consuming. Having this in mind, we developed Reflectus – we aimed to make reflective practice easier, simpler and more automated. We are currently continuing to collect teachers’ insights, feedback and suggestions in order to improve our product even more. We also want our users to get the most out of Reflectus, so we are occasionally organising training sessions for teachers and managers of educational institutions.

Reflectus logo

Our values


We are open to new people, new ideas and new opportunities. We try to listen to our customers' experiences and respond to their needs, which allows us to keep growing and improving.


We always strive to build meaningful relationships based on trust, respect and sincerity. Meeting our clients' expectations is our priority.


When we design our products, we always look for the simplest solutions that will solve complex customer problems in the most effective way. Simpler is smarter.

Team leader

„I am proud of our team’s work and achievements. I believe that together we can all contribute to a better quality of education.“

Kristina Foktienė

Development manager

Reflectus community

We are happy to spread the idea of reflective teaching within the schools. Currently Reflectus is used in more than 50 Lithuanian schools.


Would you like to get Reflectus? Contact us.